Håll dig uppdaterad!
Prenumerera på nyheter och uppdateringar från oss på Smartare Elektroniksystem. Vårt nyhetsbrev innehåller allt från tips på kommande event till nyheter från branschen.
We are pleased to invite you to the Xecs Matchmaking Event of the Xecs Call 3 on 25 September 2023, 10:00 – 17:00 CEST. The Xecs Call 3 will be launched during this one-day occasion!
Don’t miss this event held in Bpifrance, Le Hub, 6-8 Boulevard Haussmann, 75 009 Paris, to get to know more about Xecs, hear about the funding opportunities and the eligibility criteria from Public Authorities. Present your project idea, listen to pitches, network and build your consortia.
This is the perfect opportunity for you to participate in an Xecs collaborative project in the field of Electronic Components and Systems -ECS- and benefit from exploitation and growth opportunities!