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Prenumerera på nyheter och uppdateringar från oss på Smartare Elektroniksystem. Vårt nyhetsbrev innehåller allt från tips på kommande event till nyheter från branschen.
The 2022 ECS Brokerage event combines matchmaking for the industry organizations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS and it will now be a digital event with project proposals in electronic components and systems (ECS). Two new ECS programs are open for applications in early 2022. The Eureka program Xecs, which replaces the predecessors Europides-2 / PENTA, and the KDT Joint Undertaking partnership program, which replaces ECSEL. This event makes it easier for everyone in the electronics industry to get an insight into these new programs as well as an overview of a number of new EU project proposals as several hundred experts gather together, so that everyone in the ECS sphere of interest can exchange information. During the event, co-operation consortia will be established and concrete project proposals will be prepared for the calls that close in February and April. In previous years, we have supported Swedish companies with good results. In the 2020 step-2 call for ECSEL-2020, there were Swedish partners with 19 of 40 submitted project proposals and 6 projects out of 12 granted Swedish participation, where Vinnova this summer granted 5 projects and 20 companies just over SEK 74 million in national ECSEL co-financing. support. Take the opportunity to network and acquire new partners and review the possibility of international projects during the ECS Brokerage event 18-19 January. It is then also possible to pitch with your own project ideas.
If you want support from the program office that will be on site, contact assistant. program manager Thorbjörn Ebefors: [email protected]
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