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INFORMATION ABOUT ECSEL JU 2020 Call for proposals
Wedn, March 18, 2020 14:30-15.30 (CET)
Call focus: Electronic Components and Systems
The webinar will be held in English !!
Registration is mandatory!!
Registration at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6114309800716516877
After registration you will get a confirmation mail with your personal link to access the webinar.
The ECSEL Joint Undertaking – the Public-Private Partnership for Electronic Components and Systems – funds Research, Development and Innovation projects for world-class expertise in these key enabling technologies, essential for Europe’s competitive leadership in the era of the digital economy.
Through the ECSEL JU, the European industry, SMEs and Research and Technology Organisations for market-driven industrial R&D collaboration that are supported and co-financed by 30 ECSEL Participating States and the European Union.
ECSEL JU launches annual Calls for Proposals for research, development and innovation projects. You can find information about open Calls, and about projects that were selected from previous Calls, on the respective pages.
ECSEL JU contribute to:
More at: https://www.ecsel.eu/events
Smarter Electronic Systems is a Swedish strategic innovation programme that creates cross boundary work to develop micro and nano electronics, photonics, micromechanics (MEMS), sensor technologies, power electronics and integrated systems in Sweden and through International collaborations.
More info at: https://www.smartareelektroniksystem.se/en/
All application opportunities within the venture are listed at: https://www.vinnova.se/en/calls-for-proposals/the-strategic-innovation-programme-smarter-electronic-systems/
Vinnova är Sveriges innovationsmyndighet. Vinnovas uppgift är att bidra till hållbar tillväxt genom att förbättra förutsättningarna för innovation. Det görs främst genom att ge bidrag till innovationsprojekt och till forskning som behövs för att utveckla nya lösningar.
Vinnova är en statlig myndighet under Näringsdepartementet och nationell kontaktmyndighet för EU:s ramprogram för forskning och innovation.
Vinnova är också nationell kontaktpunkt för partnerskapsprogrammet ECSEL: https://www.vinnova.se/m/horisont-2020/partnerskapsprogram/ecsel/